Friday, October 12

Get your Happiness on!

For your information, I haz my Huzband back (and yes I spelled that stupid-like on purpose) And for the sake of my blog being about sex, love, lust and what have you, I am getting laid again, So yes, I am happier. Thank you for your concern. Now onto More Pressing issues.

Last week on Facebook I was bored and my friend had a status that said, "Like for the truth" So naturally I liked it and she posted on my wall the truth about me. I thought this was a brilliant opportunity to tell the people I don't like off and confess to the people I do like Just why I am so generally hypnotized by there being... That's what I thought. Turns out, I am WAAAY to nice to tell anyone off, or tell them what I really think about them, well because, I don't have anything bad to say about anyone... (I'm such a Pussy...uh...Mom.. If your reading this... ignore that.) Then I got to thinking.. If I had to tell the truth about myself what would I say? As My hamster wheel started turning in my head I then realized that despite being positive to everyone else I am the only negative thing standing in the way of myself. 
With that being said, I think that most people can agree with me that the person that holds you back the most is yourself. So STOP. STOP telling yourself your ugly without makeup on. STOP telling yourself that your fat. STOP telling yourself you cant achieve your goals because you aren't good enough. STOP second guessing every decision you make! STOP Trying to be someone you are not.  You are a person... Just like the other 6 billion people in this world. You are different. No one is you. So stop trying to be them. And stop trying to fit into this mold of who the world says you should be.  

The truth is..
'We convince ourselves that life will be better after we find a boyfriend or girlfriend, get married, have a baby and then another. Then we're frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are. After that, we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We'll certainly be happy when they're out of that stage.

We tell ourselves that our lives will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, are able to go on a nice vacation, when we retire.The truth is there's no better time to be happy then right now. If not now, when? Your life will always be filled with challenges. It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway.
One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred D. Souza. He said, "For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always come obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served or a debt to be paid. Then my life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."

This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness.

Happiness is the way. So, treasure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with....and remember that time waits for no one.

So stop waiting until you finish school, until you go back to school, until you loose ten pounds, until you gain ten pounds, until you have kids, until your kids leave the house, until you start work, until you retire, until you get married, until you get divorced, until Friday night, until Sunday morning, until you get a new car or home, until your car or home is paid off, until spring, until summer, until fall, until winter, until you're off welfare, until the first or the fifteenth, until your song comes on, until you die, until you're born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy.

Happiness is the journey, not a destination.'

Sunday, June 17

Its Been a While...

My blog is about Marriage and How awkward it is. I Realize that it has been an awful long time since I've blogged and frankly, Its because My Husband and I are not together at the moment. Now for those of you who are thinking, "I knew they wouldn't last long." Shut up, and get your judgmental mind off my blog, its making it all slimy and gross smelling.

My husband is in the Military, as those who care about me know. Our One Year anniversary is coming up. July 2nd to be exact. Do I feel like a giddy little school girl? why yes. Yes I do. I also feel Old, as if my eggs are rotting out of my body, and Semi-Depressed that Its been a year since we've been married and I've only spent 7ish months of it with my husband.. Which Brings me to a subject near and dear to my heart:

Missing you. I see all these women Missing there husbands, Fine. I get it. But when he's gone for a couple hours and your on the verge of eating a whole tub of ice cream because You miss him so much? You have issues. See a therapist, and stop posting about it on facebook. No one cares.

I love my husband to the utmost of the word, But if there is one thing I've learned about life, its that Shit happens. Live with it, get over it, but whatever you do Don't wallow in it. There are too many days wasted on Sadness and Empty feelings. LOVE, love with everything you have. You never know what its like to miss something until its permanently gone. It humbles me so much to read stories of Women that have lost there husbands and I always think to myself  'I don't Care if Zac is Miles away, at least I have him. At least he's here."

My Husband is alive and well, So by golly every chance I get, I'm smothering him with my love. That's Life. And I choose to be happy:D

Friday, March 2

Marriage is Awkward, How to Cope with Coping.

I knew what I was signing up for when I became a Military Wife, Stinky ACU's, Feeding More then Just my husband, Moving all around the country, having to meet new people, and being alone a lot of the time. Naive as I was, I thought that the "Alone" Part would be the least of my worries. Wrong-O. Having your significant other ripped from you for periods of time, SUCKS. Hence the title of this Post, "How to Cope with Coping" because if you're a military Wife the last thing you want to do is cope. The first thing you want to do is get some super glue, put it all over your body and hug your husband...:D Now I know you were hoping for some advice for coping, and I have some for you but I'm going to do it in sort of a time line format. (enjoy)

Morning of:  If your husband Just left I bet your sitting in your room, on your bed with your favorite snack watching Movies that you always watched with him or just laying there crying. You will stay in this position for a couple days, Maybe even weeks, so get comfortable. Please remember to pack some tissues and DO NOT watch Dear John, Sons of Valor, or any other movie that has anything to do with the military... its not good for your health. This is the mourning phase, and its okay to be sad. Just remember, He's coming back.

Couple days/weeks out: Eventually you'll start feeling guilty (We're woman, its what we do) for just sitting there all this time. You'll get up and be shocked at how much you've let everything go in your house, and you! Lets face it, You haven't showered in days and haven't shaved in weeks, AND you're still wearing the last t-shirt your husband wore when he was with you. Now, Don't panic. Just hop your little Tookus into the shower and stay in there for as long as you like, You need it.

This is what I like to call the 'Distraction' Phase. You clean.. and clean.. and clean.. and then clean that spot again.. and then you sleep. Ladies, its not healthy. In order to feel better about yourself and to cope with your current situation, You need a healthy hobby. This can include, Running out your frustrations, Writing your hubby every single day (you should probably be doing this anyway) , Learning a new hobby, or going to school. There are plenty more to choose from. Be wise with your time, because after this you'll be moving so much, you wont know where the time went. If you have kids or a job its the PERFECT distraction. Just don't let your situation effect how you are with your job or your kids. If your kids are toddler age, they probably know that something is wrong and are very confused. Take this time to get to know them more and comfort them. You'll be surprised at how much it comforts you.

Half way mark: Everything Goes uphill from here. Your half way there and are no longer sulking in your own misery! You go girl:D Start a count down, it helps the days seem faster. You've made it this far already! You can almost feel his arms around you. Its okay to be excited:) You'll notice in the days to follow that your happier, have more energy and are shaving more. Take the next few weeks and workout. The last thing you want to do is feel fat, the first time he sees you because we all know he's going to be ripped... and that's intimidating.. and Sexy..

Just a couple more days to go: You're almost there! Go shopping, get a sexy dress and something even sexier to go underneath it. Shave the night before and the morning of the day your going to see him. (If you need tips on shaving see this post: If you have kids, get a babysitter! You are going to want to spend his first day home Just with him.

He's home: Your heart is going to feel like its about to explode but Don't be so nervous, Don't fight, kiss him all that you can and remember that this time with him is precious. Don't wallow in the past and plan for a bright and happy future.

Lots of people ask me, Why do I do it? Because nights alone aren't permanent. Missing him reminds me that I'm lucky to have someone to miss because I am not afraid to make sacrifices for true love. It hurts like hell. But that Hurt is only temporary, For a lifetime of heaven. Pure and simple heaven.

We are the back bone of the military. We have to be the strongest, We have to be the Bravest, So our Men can do the same.

Remember, Marriage is Awkward and can be hard, Especially when your hubby is away, But you can do it. You can do anything.