This has been weighing on my mind a lot recently And I am so sick of people falling for Douches.
Women, WAKE UP! Men, GROW UP!
Women who take advantage of the nice men, STOP TURNING THEM INTO JERKS!
Lust vs. Love
If your man wants nothing more then to spend time with you, Its Love.
If your man would rather clean out his truck then be with you, its Lust.
If your man controls you, beats you, or uses you, Its Lust.
If your man cuddles you, kisses you, and wipes away your tears, Its Love.
Why is it that so many people are in Lust relationships rather then love? Why is it that our society puts Lust up on a pedestal and Love is just something we dream of?
Growing up I watched a lot of Disney Movies, Snow white is singing at a wishing well, The prince falls madly in love with her. In the end he awakens her with true loves kiss. Prince charming falls in love with Cinderella at a ball, Despite her fleeing the scene and being a peasant, he still marries her. Ariel Falls in love with prince Eric while he is on board his ship celebrating the day, the ship catches on fire and Ariel saves him from drowning. In the end, Eric saves Ariel from Ursula and they get married. The guy married another species! If That's not love, I don't know what is!
Notice that none of these Woman had to take there clothes off for the princes to fall in love with them. Now-a-days on T.V. every other channel is someone screwing someone else! Come on America, are you really that desensitized to sex that its okay for you to sleep with a different person every night? No wonder why Teenage pregnancy is on the rise. Your T.V. shows condone it! The truth is, Sex is glamorized, its something that everyone's doing. "It makes you feel good" but often times we act in the moment and don't realize the consequences of our actions before its to late. Random sex just makes you feel empty and alone. Try loving someone first.
There are many excuses for having random sex, the one that bothers me the most is: You NEED it... I am here to tell you, there is NO medical need for sex. Its mind over matter, and you have a hand don't you? Why go out, risk someone getting pregnant, risk contracting some sort of disease and come home feeling more empty and alone then you already did, all because you "need" sex? Break the mold, you are better then that. Don't lower your standards just because your body tells you too. Mind over matter.
Sex is a beautiful thing, and should be shared with someone that you Love. Not someone you just met. If you have any self respect you'll save yourself for when it really matters, so when you do end up having sex You feel the love and connection that comes with it.
Having sex with Multiple people makes you numb, Sleeping with one person that you love more then anything else? Its like nothing you've ever experienced before. Fireworks.
I waited for my husband, and I don't regret it one bit. You wont either. Even if you don't take my advice, at least use a condom. There are already enough children in the world without both parents. Think about their future.
Marriage is awkward when you have to explain to your spouse how many people you've slept with besides them.. But it doesn't have to be:) Find Love. Find love and Share it with them.
Growing up I watched a lot of Disney Movies, Snow white is singing at a wishing well, The prince falls madly in love with her. In the end he awakens her with true loves kiss. Prince charming falls in love with Cinderella at a ball, Despite her fleeing the scene and being a peasant, he still marries her. Ariel Falls in love with prince Eric while he is on board his ship celebrating the day, the ship catches on fire and Ariel saves him from drowning. In the end, Eric saves Ariel from Ursula and they get married. The guy married another species! If That's not love, I don't know what is!
Notice that none of these Woman had to take there clothes off for the princes to fall in love with them. Now-a-days on T.V. every other channel is someone screwing someone else! Come on America, are you really that desensitized to sex that its okay for you to sleep with a different person every night? No wonder why Teenage pregnancy is on the rise. Your T.V. shows condone it! The truth is, Sex is glamorized, its something that everyone's doing. "It makes you feel good" but often times we act in the moment and don't realize the consequences of our actions before its to late. Random sex just makes you feel empty and alone. Try loving someone first.
There are many excuses for having random sex, the one that bothers me the most is: You NEED it... I am here to tell you, there is NO medical need for sex. Its mind over matter, and you have a hand don't you? Why go out, risk someone getting pregnant, risk contracting some sort of disease and come home feeling more empty and alone then you already did, all because you "need" sex? Break the mold, you are better then that. Don't lower your standards just because your body tells you too. Mind over matter.
Sex is a beautiful thing, and should be shared with someone that you Love. Not someone you just met. If you have any self respect you'll save yourself for when it really matters, so when you do end up having sex You feel the love and connection that comes with it.
Having sex with Multiple people makes you numb, Sleeping with one person that you love more then anything else? Its like nothing you've ever experienced before. Fireworks.
I waited for my husband, and I don't regret it one bit. You wont either. Even if you don't take my advice, at least use a condom. There are already enough children in the world without both parents. Think about their future.
Marriage is awkward when you have to explain to your spouse how many people you've slept with besides them.. But it doesn't have to be:) Find Love. Find love and Share it with them.
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