I'm trying to blog about all this stuff so I can catch you up to date and start blogging about day to day experiences. So Here's the Zac post:)
Man.. sometimes I really just want to high five people in the head with a chair.
Here's the thing. All of these things were said TO MY FACE.. I came home crying multiple times for being accused of things I didn't even know I was doing. The prego thing for example.. Do I look pregnant to you? have I ever looked pregnant? Its odd that strangers know my body more then I do.. But you know, I can understand why anyone would think that. 19 is young to be getting married. Even for Utah its young, and the teenagers that are getting married now days are either knocked up, or... no, that's just it, they forgot to use a condom... So yes, it makes sense that I was accused of these things, because in our day and age it seems like young love doesn't exist. only lust does. With that being said, let me explain the real reason I decided to get married so young...
Zac went through Basic training in South Carolina, 2 1/2 months of hell. Thats how he puts it:) And then in August 2010 I went to see him for his graduation.. 2 days of HEAVEN. pure and Simple. Then 4 1/2 months Later after being in AIT training in Alabama and Florida, Zac came home for Christmas:) again, H-E-A-V-E-N. Zac was in Utah for 2 weeks. Christmas and New years eve:)
The Proposal:
19 years old, and you're engaged?!?!?!?
You're too young.. how far along are you?... you must be pregnant.. your only getting married for sex.. he's only marrying you because mormon girls don't put out... You'll be divorced within the year... your mom must be so disappointed in you.Man.. sometimes I really just want to high five people in the head with a chair.
Zachry Gavin. Its an ancient story that long long ago in a kingdom just down the road from where he once lived, there was a knight...a noble dragon slaying knight in all his glory, a knight who conquered the globe protecting the innocent and giving back to the poor. His Name?. Sir Gavin... you know, Zac is so much better at telling this story then I am.. (prepare for some mushy love stuff) The First time I met Zac was in Mrs.Hartley's History class my sophomore year of high school, He had the craziest hair in the world.. And was super shy around me. This was the jist of our conversation..
Me: "Hi, I'm Kamille"
Me: " I like your hair"
Zac: ".... *eyes widen*.... *DROOL*....
Cricket: chirp! chirp chrip... *Bell rings*
Me: "See you later Zac"
Needless to say, we needed to work on our communication skills. Later in the year we started talking more and became really great friends, and have been ever since:) See, From that first Moment Zac and I have always had a crush on eachother, But were always to shy to tell the other person, Or one of us would have a boyfriend/girlfriend at the time So we never had the chance too express how we really felt. The only 2 people who knew was my Best friend Tiffanie Vincent And Zac's Best Friend Felipe. Long story short, some things happened and some more stuff happened, blah blah blah and we ended up being together at the end of our senior year. I'd say that I've always loved Zac. I just didn't know how much until I actually got the chance to be with him. We went from being Friends to being inseparable within the span of 3 years. I'd say thats some "Rock Solid" Love right there. haha Get it?? "Rock solid??" cuz we went to Spanish Fork high??? teehee:)
Anyways, All good things must come to an end. 2 weeks after we graduated Zac was being shipped off to the army and I would be in Utah.. with no Zackers.. We had just 2 weeks to cram in all the love I could muster that would get him through Basic without forgetting what we had. Sooo I did what any Teenage girl would do. One night we were talking to eachother and kissing and stuff... hey... teenagers kiss... I looked into his eyes and asked him if he would marry me. To this day, I still remember the shocked expression on his face, and then a huge smile and a nod. So just putting this out there, I asked Zac to marry me first:) We talked more in depth and decided that running away that second and getting married in vegas wasn't really a smart thing to do so we held off for a while:)

The Proposal:
Zac and I had been looking at rings for a while and eventually we found the perfect one. So I knew that something was going to happen but I didn't know when or how. For new years Eve my family always has a huge party at our house. With friends and family, fireworks, Karaoke, yummy food, and CONFETTI!!(my favorite part) So we were all upstairs gathered around the T.V. counting down to new years. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... and then Zac turns to me and says "Kamille will you marry me?" I looked up at him (he's quite a bit taller then me) and said..."WHAT?!?" then He got on one knee and held the ring up to me... so I looked around at everyone... covered my face so I wouldn't start crying and then helped Zac up and gave him a big ol'kiss. He looked at me, smiled and asked "Is that a yes?" YES!!! yes!!! thats a yes! and then he put the ring on my finger and we hugged for a long while... and then I immediately ran down stairs and facebooked about it:p (not very romantic but thats me for you)
Then the next day Zac left.
Which meant I had to plan our wedding.. via email and picture messages with him. but hey! it turned out pretty nice I think:) We were married on July 2nd, 2011 at the springville art museum.. When I saw him down the aisle from me, my heart felt like it skipped a beat. I stood across from him and thought "WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING?!?" (later I found out that he thought the exact same thing) but once he put his hand in mine, I knew that this was what I wanted. That a life without Zac, would feel like an empty candy jar, cold, of no importance and easily thrown away. Zac is my reason for my smile. The man who lifted me up from where I was and put me on a pedestal of love. He is My best friend, Not alot of people get the chance to marry there best friend. I took advantage of that moment, and bound our hearts together as one.
Ladies and gentlemen, that is why I am 19 and married, because I want to grow up with the man I love right by my side. I eternally love you Zachry, with everything I have and everything I hope to have.

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