Monday, September 19

Marriage is awkward: Showering

Seeing someone else naked for the first time is awkward enough right? Then when you add showering to the mix its a whole new ball game:)

All throughout growing up my parents have showered together, it wasn't ever weird for me I just thought that was what Married people do. At the tender age of 19, after I "Grew up" Of course I was going to keep the tradition in tact and shower with my husband. What Girl wouldn't? There are some pro's and con's to showering with someone else though, especially in a new marriage.

Pro: Showering with someone else Conserves water 
(that's what everyone says)      
Con: You spend more time in the shower with someone else so you waste more water       

Pro:You now have a permanent back washer               
Pro/Con: Washing each others bodies usually leads to other things;)                                                                              
Pro: You have someone to tell you if you still have mascara all over your face
Con: You look like an Owl or one of the Kiss members in the process                  

Pro: You get to continually look at your spouse while he/she is naked. 
(which isn't really different for me, Zac prefers nakedness to clothes anyway.)               
Con: While you're checking out he/she they are enjoying the main stream of the water..leaving you out in the cold.

Pro: You get to bed earlier because you don't Have to wait for them to get out, so you can get in
Pro/Con:There are NO traffic lines on the tub, so you bump Into each other a lot. (which could be a pro, depending on the mood)

Pro: Shampoo lasts a whole lot longer with only 2 people.
Con: Unless your one of those girls that squeeze half of the bottle out and put it on your head

Pro: You learn new cleaning tricks
Con: You have to clean yourself twice as much because you don't want them to think you didn't.

So there you have it folks! A couple Pro's and Con's about showering with your spouse! If you haven't done it, I suggest you do and if you have and want to add to my list just let me know! Always remember, Marriage gets less awkward as you go along, endure to the end and remember that little things go a long way:) And maybe you could think about sharing the hot water a little more.


1 comment:

  1. HAHA! Love it. When we rebuilt our house we put in a large tub and TWO shower heads, best move ever!
