Monday, September 19

Marriage is awkward: Showering

Seeing someone else naked for the first time is awkward enough right? Then when you add showering to the mix its a whole new ball game:)

All throughout growing up my parents have showered together, it wasn't ever weird for me I just thought that was what Married people do. At the tender age of 19, after I "Grew up" Of course I was going to keep the tradition in tact and shower with my husband. What Girl wouldn't? There are some pro's and con's to showering with someone else though, especially in a new marriage.

Pro: Showering with someone else Conserves water 
(that's what everyone says)      
Con: You spend more time in the shower with someone else so you waste more water       

Pro:You now have a permanent back washer               
Pro/Con: Washing each others bodies usually leads to other things;)                                                                              
Pro: You have someone to tell you if you still have mascara all over your face
Con: You look like an Owl or one of the Kiss members in the process                  

Pro: You get to continually look at your spouse while he/she is naked. 
(which isn't really different for me, Zac prefers nakedness to clothes anyway.)               
Con: While you're checking out he/she they are enjoying the main stream of the water..leaving you out in the cold.

Pro: You get to bed earlier because you don't Have to wait for them to get out, so you can get in
Pro/Con:There are NO traffic lines on the tub, so you bump Into each other a lot. (which could be a pro, depending on the mood)

Pro: Shampoo lasts a whole lot longer with only 2 people.
Con: Unless your one of those girls that squeeze half of the bottle out and put it on your head

Pro: You learn new cleaning tricks
Con: You have to clean yourself twice as much because you don't want them to think you didn't.

So there you have it folks! A couple Pro's and Con's about showering with your spouse! If you haven't done it, I suggest you do and if you have and want to add to my list just let me know! Always remember, Marriage gets less awkward as you go along, endure to the end and remember that little things go a long way:) And maybe you could think about sharing the hot water a little more.


Wednesday, September 14

Marriage is awkward: Farting

I fart. You fart. He farts. She farts. Dogs fart. Cats fart. Moms fart. Dads fart. Old people fart. Young people fart. EVERYONE FARTS!
So why is farting in front of your spouse so awkward?
I dunno about you, but I have never heard Zac fart.. ever. Which is odd for me, because boys tend to fart more then girls.. but on the other side of the marriage totem-pole, Zac has never heard me fart. Now, I'm not going to be a typical girl and say "oh.. I don't fart, ever. that never happens to me." Ladies and Gentlemen, I know I look like the perfect little angel girl, but even angels Fart. Its just human nature:) 
Why is it that Girls are more embarrassed about Farting then Boys are? Lets face it, being gross and smelly is the mans job.. not the Ladies job. Men, Can you imagine Making out with your Girl and then Hearing her let a rip right in front of you? Or say your making love and it happens then? While most men think this is funny and just brush it off, Us Women immediately become embarrassed and self conscious about our flatulence. I don't care what psycho girl you're dating that says she doesn't care if you fart. She cares. We just have to accept farting because it just happens.

Granted, As men and women Get older they just don't seem to care anymore. 
"Woah honey! That was definitely your brand!"
 'Was that a wet one? you might want to check your pants' 
"Man.. Those burritos are getting to me." 

Then when you get really old and cant control it anymore you fart in the weirdest places. For example:

Walking down the stairs
Standing up from a couch,
Sitting down on a couch,
Bending down to get something,
Walking down an aisle at the grocery store,
Coughing. (this one makes me laugh every time!)

 Not farting in public is polite, but is it impolite to fart in front of your spouse or friends? Once you Fart in front of your spouse one time, it sorta "breaks the ice" for farting. So stop holding it in! Go on and fart, Because eventually you wont be able to control it any more, and those ones are the worst smelling:)

Friday, September 2


Hello hello:) I'm gonna start this one out by saying that I LOVE MY FAMILY. Through the ups and downs, the fights, forgiveness-es, and everything we've been through together, the good times definitely weigh out the bad.

        Aka: Pills-berry dough boy, Faja, Helga, Chad, CJ, and Budda.
Similar Traits: I am sooooo stubborn. Just like he is. I have a giving heart. Not as giving as he does but its there. I love to sing, and dance. I am very creative and can make anything out of nothing. I have really big rib bones and a huge forehead. both traits of my dad. I have his eyes, nose, and his blonde hair (what little hair he has left) And I am very opinionated.
My Dads name is Chadley John Bird. He went to Springville High school, and Was considered a cow-boy Jock dude.
My Dad is the most giving man in the whole world. Especially to his kids. He would do anything for us at the drop of a hat. Which got him in trouble sometimes with our Mom:) My dad is a full on Renascence man. He can cook, clean, sew, build ships, do hair and makeup, He sings and dances.  He fixes cars, computers, and If you have a broken heart, his hugs fix everything. He is very proud of all of his kids and accomplishments. And Loves my Mom more than any man can love his wife, There's a bond there that I cant even comprehend. I guess that bond comes when you have kids and grow old with eachother. (yes, I'm calling you both old)  Growing up, I always wanted to marry a man like my daddy. I think I've found one in Zac:) I will always be my Daddy's little girl. He has always known how to make me laugh and always held me when I've cried. I love you Dad.

Mother Dearest 
(she hates when I call her that, it makes her feel old)
        Aka: Mommy, Mama, Midget Mac, oompa loompa, Eesa, Yoda 
Similar traits: I have my moms exact Temper. When I feel threatened or mad, I retract into my shell, I go quiet and just think. Everyone says I look exactly like my mom:) I'm small like her. not as small, but small:) I have her personality, very outgoing. I have her "getting things done" drive. My mom and I think alot alike, and are easily offended but don't show it. We are very polite towards others and very friendly. I also Love to help people in need. I like to think I have my moms heart. There is alot of room in there for everyone.
My Moms name is Lisa Eden Bird (Lisa, thats where I get my middle name from) She went to Payson High School, and Was considered a Preppy Drill team girl:)
My Mom is the most accepting woman in the world. If anyone needs help, she's there. It doesn't matter if she doesn't know you very well, or if she doesn't like you very much. If you need her, She will be there. My mom has a huge heart, And loves without fail. She doesn't take sides, and she listens with more than just her ears but by being there. My mom LOVES kids! She's a first grade teacher, she kinda has to like them a little bit. She also Loves her family unconditionally, I've made so many mistakes in my life, I would understand if my parents didn't love me. but not this set of parents, they have always loved me no matter what. My parents have supported me in EVERYTHING I do. Even if they didn't think it was a good idea. I have said some things to my mom that I wish I could take back.(I think most Mom/daughter relationships have this happen at one point or another) She does so much for me and there has been moments when I've just snapped at her. So I guess this is me publicly apologizing to her for getting frustrated at her because of a difference of opinion. I'm sorry Mom. I took you for granted far to often. I wish I could repay you for all the things you've done for me. You are my rock. and I love you.

My parents Met at a drive in movie theater when They were in high school. I know my mom will say this isn't how it happened.. but She flung herself out of the car and yelled "Hey boys!" Needless to say, my Dad was in the 'boy' car that night. My parents made out during that entire movie... sick. My mom always says that my Dads kissing was how she knew he was special.. again.. gross.. So after the Make out session My Dad drove my Mom home. Little Did he know, my mom lived clear out in Spring lake, which is about 45 minutes from where they were at the time. When they finally got to the house, my mom was getting out of the car and my Dad said "I'm going to marry you." And Folks.. That's where it all began! On December 11th 1987 ( I think) My parents were married in the Jordan River temple.

♪♫Chad and Lisa, sitting in a tree K-I-SS-ING, First comes Love. then comes Marriage, Hey! there's Colton in a baby Carriage!♪♫
by order of appearance 

aka Colton

Colton Chadley Bird Was born on August 17th, 1989 (the first child of many) If your keeping up, you'll notice that Colton's Middle name is the same as my dads. Colt is JUST LIKE MY DAD! if my dad had a cloning machine, his "Mini-Me" would be Colton. And my Dad definently spoils him like his clone:) Growing up, the memory that sticks out in my mind about Colt, is that he has a big heart and alot to offer. He has never been the person that leaves someone out of the group. He is a very humble person, and very easy to talk too. He's come a long way to be the person that he is, and I am very proud of him. I love you Colt:)

(Eureka good as gold)
Erika Lenereaux Bird was born on September 29th, 1990 And her nickname suits her well. If you cut her open and took out her heart I'm sure it would be made of pure gold. She is undoubtedly the most unselfish person, I have ever met. She gets her temper from my dad though:p I wish I could be as giving as Erika is. She isn't afraid to be who she is, and if anyone has a problem with it, they can shove off. She is GOREGOUS!  I have to plaster a whole lot of makeup on my face to look as good as this girl does naturally. Dont even get me started on her hair... SOOO JEALOUS.. sigh.. if only. Erika and I are the best of friends. we can go from singing at the top of our lungs to having a heart to heart conversation within minutes. I love you Erika.

(the little brother is always the favorite and the most spoiled.. its just how it is)
Dallan John Bird Born February 17th, 1994. Dallan is the person I went to and talked to about anything, and he did the same for me. We would literally stay up all night talking about what was on our minds. Dal Gives the same hugs as my dad does. You know, the ones that make every bad thing in the world just disappear? Dal also has a big heart (I think thats a common trait in our family) He loves with no regard to himself. He knows who he is, and doesn't care what anyone else thinks about it. He loves to love (like me!) Dallan is a mix of both my mom and dad. He's very understanding like my mom, but has a temper like my dad. He's always there for you and supports you in anything you choose to do. I love you Dal

(the new addition to the Bird clan, Welcome to the family)
Savannah Schindler Bird Born Feb 10th, 1992 If God created a twin for me, made her 50% darker and a little more hyper, that would be Savannah:) Savvy is Married to Colt (Awww, now you see the connection) They were Married May 14th, 2011. Savannah is amazing. She and Colt go together so well and really compliment eachother as a couple. She is very fun and easy going and fits into the craziness of our family:) I love you Savvy!

(I don't care what you say Zac, this is a cute nickname!) 
Zachry Austin Gavin Born April 7th, 1992. (yes, I am older than him, thanks for noticing) This Husband of mine is alot like my father, he cares so deeply for me and would do literally ANYTHING for me. Zac has one thing that none of us possess.. Patience. Zac and I have never once gotten it a fight. I've never heard him yell, not even raise his voice at me. Its like he doesn't have a temper. He loves to talk:) and we talk about EVERYTHING. It bugs him when I don't tell him whats on my mind. We tease each other all the time. The word 'Jerk' is used everyday in our household. Zac loves Video games (thats why Zac and Dallan get along so well) He is very noble and stands up for what is right. Zac is selective to whom he gives his love too. Unlike me, he doesn't throw it out to just anyone. He is very protective of himself and his family. Zac is the sweetest man I have ever had the privilege of being with, he Kisses me whenever he gets the chance and is constantly telling me that he loves me. Literally he will say it 20 to 50 times a day, Even when we were just dating. Zac is very silly and we are constantly running around the house chasing each other:) And he wants 6 kids.. okay that last bit was a lie.. 

That's my family for you. We have our ups and downs and we're not perfect, but who is? Its hard being away from the people I love. It gets lonely at times, but there's a bond between family that you cant duplicate. Its like wherever I am, I feel them with me. I feel their Love. And a Families Love is Eternal:)

Thursday, September 1

19 and engaged?!?

I'm trying to blog about all this stuff so I can catch you up to date and start blogging about day to day experiences. So Here's the Zac post:)

19 years old, and you're engaged?!?!?!? 
You're too young.. how far along are you?... you must be pregnant.. your only getting married for sex.. he's only marrying you because mormon girls don't put out... You'll be divorced within the year... your mom must be so disappointed in you.

Man.. sometimes I really just want to high five people in the head with a chair. 

Here's the thing. All of these things were said TO MY FACE.. I came home crying multiple times for being accused of things I didn't even know I was doing. The prego thing for example.. Do I look pregnant to you? have I ever looked pregnant? Its odd that strangers know my body more then I do.. But you know, I can understand why anyone would think that. 19 is young to be getting married. Even for Utah its young, and the teenagers that are getting married now days are either knocked up, or... no, that's just it, they forgot to use a condom... So yes, it makes sense that I was accused of these things, because in our day and age it seems like young love doesn't exist. only lust does. With that being said, let me explain the real reason I decided to get married so young...

Zachry Gavin. Its an ancient story that long long ago in a kingdom just down the road from where he once lived, there was a knight...a noble dragon slaying knight in all his glory, a knight who conquered the globe protecting the innocent and giving back to the poor.  His Name?. Sir Gavin... you know, Zac is so much better at telling this story then I am.. (prepare for some mushy love stuff) The First time I met Zac was in Mrs.Hartley's History class my sophomore year of high school, He had the craziest hair in the world.. And was super shy around me. This was the jist of our conversation..
Me:  "Hi, I'm Kamille"
Zac: ".... I'm Zac............*drool*...."
Me: " I like your hair"
Zac: ".... *eyes widen*.... *DROOL*....
Cricket: chirp! chirp chrip... *Bell rings*
Me: "See you later Zac"
Needless to say, we needed to work on our communication skills. Later in the year we started talking more and became really great friends, and have been ever since:) See, From that first Moment Zac and I have always had a crush on eachother, But were always to shy to tell the other person, Or one of us would have a boyfriend/girlfriend at the time So we never had the chance too express how we really felt. The only 2 people who knew was my Best friend Tiffanie Vincent And Zac's Best Friend Felipe. Long story short, some things happened and some more stuff happened, blah blah blah and we ended up being together at the end of our senior year. I'd say that I've always loved Zac. I just didn't know how much until I actually got the chance to be with him. We went from being Friends to being inseparable within the span of 3 years. I'd say thats some "Rock Solid" Love right there. haha Get it?? "Rock solid??" cuz we went to Spanish Fork high??? teehee:)
Anyways, All good things must come to an end. 2 weeks after we graduated Zac was being shipped off to the army and I would be in Utah.. with no Zackers.. We had just 2 weeks to cram in all the love I could muster that would get him through Basic without forgetting what we had. Sooo I did what any Teenage girl would do. One night we were talking to eachother and kissing and stuff... hey... teenagers kiss...  I looked into his eyes and asked him if he would marry me. To this day, I still remember the shocked expression on his face, and then a huge smile and a nod. So just putting this out there, I asked Zac to marry me first:) We talked more in depth and decided that running away that second and getting married in vegas wasn't really a smart thing to do so we held off for a while:) 
Zac went through Basic training in South Carolina, 2 1/2 months of hell. Thats how he puts it:) And then in August 2010 I went to see him for his graduation.. 2 days of HEAVEN. pure and Simple. Then 4 1/2 months Later after being in AIT training in Alabama and Florida, Zac came home for Christmas:) again, H-E-A-V-E-N. Zac was in Utah for 2 weeks. Christmas and New years eve:)  

The Proposal:
Zac and I had been looking at rings for a while and eventually we found the perfect one. So I knew that something was going to happen but I didn't know when or how. For new years Eve my family always has a huge party at our house. With friends and family, fireworks, Karaoke, yummy food, and CONFETTI!!(my favorite part) So we were all upstairs gathered around the T.V. counting down to new years. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... and then Zac turns to me and says "Kamille will you marry me?" I looked up at him (he's quite a bit taller then me) and said..."WHAT?!?" then He got on one knee and held the ring up to me... so I looked around at everyone... covered my face so I wouldn't start crying and then helped Zac up and gave him a big ol'kiss. He looked at me, smiled and asked "Is that a yes?" YES!!! yes!!! thats a yes! and then he put the ring on my finger and we hugged for a long while... and then I immediately ran down stairs and facebooked about it:p (not very romantic but thats me for you) 
Then the next day Zac left.

 Which meant I had to plan our wedding.. via email and picture messages with him. but hey! it turned out pretty nice I think:) We were married on July 2nd, 2011 at the springville art museum.. When I saw him down the aisle from me, my heart felt like it skipped a beat. I stood across from him and thought "WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING?!?" (later I found out that he thought the exact same thing) but once he put his hand in mine, I knew that this was what I wanted. That a life without Zac, would feel like an empty candy jar, cold, of no importance and easily thrown away. Zac is my reason for my smile. The man who lifted me up from where I was and put me on a pedestal of love. He is My best friend, Not alot of people get the chance to marry there best friend. I took advantage of that moment, and bound our hearts together as one. 

Ladies and gentlemen, that is why I am 19 and married, because I want to grow up with the man I love right by my side. I eternally love you Zachry, with everything I have and everything I hope to have.

A boring get to know me post:) enjoy!

I figure every good friendship starts off with an intro, so here I go:

My Name is Kamille Lisa Bird Gavin.. (whew, that's a mouth full) I was born March 8th, 1992 to the one and only Chadley and Lisa Bird. I guess that makes me 19 now, (you parental units are old.) Most of you don't know this about me (cuz I'm good at faking "Normal") When I was 2 years old I was diagnosed with J.R.P.I.S.A Juvenile, Rheumatoid,Polyarticular, Idiopathic, Systemic, Arthritis. They've tacked on some words over the years but this is what its come too.  Basically, Inside this hott smokin body of mine, a cell war is raging on. Bones, cartilage, In full attack mode literally deteriorating as time slowly ticks on. Not to mention, its also in my eyes, How would you feel if at any second you could go blind or fall and NEVER BE ABLE TO GET BACK UP.(I'm such an old hag.) Yes.. I'm dying. But who isn't?  Hey! wipe that sad expression off your face. this isn't a pitty blog, I prefer to look at the bright side of things...uh... at least I dont have aides:)<---see, bright side:)
 I am the 3rd of 4 kids, Colton, Erika, and Dallan are my 3 other siblings.. and yes, Dallan is the most spoiled:) My favorite color is Yellow, even though everyone thinks its pink, I dont like pickles, tomatos, or rude people. My biggest fear in life is being alone, And I am terrified of heights.
 I am very easy going, spontaneous, honest, enlightening, encouraging, hard-headed, active, fun, and Loving.
"My heart is super huge!! Its pretty full right now, but for you I will make an exception. I'm trying to fit the whole world in there, so I'm sure I can make some room:)" <-- My facebook:)

Basically... if you can't tell already, I LOVE LOVE!!!!  
Kamille = Love <3
That's the Jist of me:)