Wednesday, January 11

Marriage is awkward: Shaving

Hello Everyone:) I apologize for not writing in so long, I hope this post will make up for it:)

Now I don't know about you, but I despise shaving. It takes to long and comes back in two days anyway, so why even bother? That's what I said before I got married, Now I have a little more reason to shave. The Enticement of shaving is still the same for me.. Its annoying, But with shaving comes great and many things. (come on, you know my blog is about marriage:p)

In order to fully understand the effect shaving has on the opposite sex I did a little experiment. Yes, that's right I didn't shave for an entire week... And I LOVED IT! Here you go ladies and men, A list of the Advantages and disadvantages of not shaving:

Advantages: You're warmer, You don't have to continuously figure out what razors you've already used and which ones you haven't, Less time shaving in the shower and More time soaking (Oh, how I love to soak),  Your husband cuddles with you when you have your clothes on a lot more:p You don't those nasty little red bumps caused by ingrown hair. Your clothes don't stick to your skin from your stubble of hair growing in. Your lady part isn't itchy from irritated skin. You finally get to live your dream of being "Helga, the woman who can braid her armpit hair".. Okay so that last one was a joke, but you get my drift.

Disadvantages: Lets be honest here, You don't feel beautiful. You hide your legs and wear long sleeve shirts. When your hubby wants some loving, You beg to cuddle because your so embarrassed. You don't dress up to go out. Even when your sitting on the couch and your hubby rests his hand on your leg, you find a reason to move. You loose a point of self esteem.

Ladies, lets face it. We are a "Hair free" society. Men don't want to be with women who don't take care of themselves (unless there into furies.. but that's a whole other blog) Shaving is one of those things that you need to do to feel good about yourself and have others not be disgusted by you. Now with that said, here are some tips for those of us who hate to shave, but secretly want to like it more.

1. USE SHAVING GEL! I cannot even begin to tell you the difference in your skin when you switch from Regular soap to "Big girl" shaving gel. Its night and day. When you use shaving Gel you eliminate one step to the shaving process, The lotion afterward. Buy a shaving gel that has lotion already in it. It nourishes your skin and also helps prevent ingrown hair and those nasty little irritant bumps.

2. For the love of Women everywhere, get yourself a good razor. Men have 30 dollar razors just to shave their  faces. Don't you deserve a razor like that for all over your body? Most woman settle for the bulk razors that only cost 10 bucks for a package of 20. NO. If you use the disposable razors you are doing your skin more harm then good. Especially if you shave your lady area (I'll get to that part later) Disposable razors scratch your skin and can infect those scratches if used to many times. They're called disposable for a reason ladies! Try getting a three blade, flexible razor with lotion on the strip. Along with using shaving cream, this will keep your skin smooth and will prevent scratches and those red bumps I love ssoooo much >: l

3.SOAK! Believe it or not, Warm water helps relax your skin, making it so shaving is easier and cutting yourself is less likely. Everyone loves to relax in the shower its also known to de-stressify you.

If you do these things I promise it'll help you love your skin and even make shaving more tolerable. Now if your like me, and still looking for a way out of shaving I have two solutions for you.

1. WAAAAXXX.. Hurts like hell... But it lasts for weeks. Please don't go out and buy a kit at wal-mart thinking you know how to do it.. that's how accidents happen. Get one professionally done first and ASK QUESTIONS. In time you'll be able to do it to yourself, or even find a friend and have a waxing party:) but make sure you know what your doing first. There are already to many pictures of wax burns on google:)

2. Permanent Hair removal: Now I don't know to much about this, only that its pretty expensive... But if I had the means, I would totally get it done. Although most websites say that it depends on the person skin whether its effective or not and also it includes many treatments.. eh.. if its permanent and it stays that way... I'd still do it.

WOMEN: (if your a man, or one of my innocent family members, Please skip this section)

For those of you who do not shave your lady area (if you don't know what that is... please ask your mom or someone who can assist you) You should try it. Especially if your married and your husband hasn't ever experienced that, or its been a while. Shaving your "Lady" is known to increase the amount of sex you have and also increase the sensation of sex. Especially oral sex. If you ever want to spice it up one night, just do it. You wont regret it and your man will love the new look:) This look is commonly known as 'hard wood floors' This is what I prefer. Also, If you do the "Hard wood floor" look There is a new fad called "Vajazzle" its basically just sticking jewels on yourself. Now, I don't know what effect this has.. But I'll let you know when I find out;)

There are also other methods of spicing up your sex life by shaving. A shaving method called a 'landing strip' is also common among women. Its basically a line of hair on your "Lady" So if you don't want to take the plunge to hard wood floors, but want something different I would recommend this or a heart shape.
A heart shape is basically what it sounds like, a heart shaped patch on your "Lady" Now if your still not into the shaving of your "Lady" but have always wanted to try oral use the "underneath method" Do I really have to explain that one?

For Pete sake, Trim a little would ya? You like Women to be well groomed, you should do the same. Now, that doesn't mean, Go bald yourself up, but we would like it if your forest was a little more tamed. Traveling through the jungle isn't a pleasure of mine, And women would pull less hairs if you would trim!! And we would get less hairs in our mouths! Not only does trimming make your package look bigger (Nice perk) it actually makes you feel the sensations better. (who would have thought?)

Ladies, do yourself a favor, Plan a day, Draw a nice hot bath, light some candles, get some exfoliating soap, AND TREAT YOURSELF!! You deserve to feel like a Goddess, Every woman is worth it and deserves to feel beautiful. Believe me, The next time your husband touches your skin, He wont want to take his hands off you.

Always remember, Marriage is awkward, But shaving doesn't have to be, if you do it right:)